Back To Writing!

Hello all,

Well, if you check the top menu tabs you’ll see a new one. I’ve titled it “My Writing” currently because I don’t know exactly what it will encompass as of yet.

I’ve mentioned that I’ve been wanting to get back into writing a few times on here. And whilst, yes, writing blog posts and financial updates does count as writing, I more mean fictional-writing. Novel writing. All of that jazz.

It was a passion I had for years, it was something I became – possibly – quite skilled at.

Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’ll lose motivation. I’m writing this on the 26th of November 2022. (And it is being published on the 13th of December 2022). And I’m not going to be posting this until I have a few things that can be posted in that tab.

I do have to give thanks to someone for this.

I’ve been speaking to an old friend about this a lot recently. She’s attempting a similar venture as me. Writing about her life, her struggles, her faith and a wonderful human who was her best friend.

These conversations we have have helped rejuvenate me and my love of writing and being creative. Not because she’s pushed me towards them, but because its been really helpful to discuss everything with someone who shares that passion and love of being creative.

You know who you are; and you have my gratitude.

For any of you interested, you can find my writing Here