My First Week On Youtube and Etsy

photo of island and thunder

Hello all,

This is the first weekly financial overview.

Given that my Beginning Overview was two days ago, and I am able to see all my stats concerning my ventures. There is very little for me to say or update you on.

I made three more designs for my Etsy store, my Youtube videos have received no new views.

This site, however, has already had the privilege of viewers from both the United States and from Latvia. Whether they are bots or malware is as of yet unclear to me.

But, aside from that, there is little to report. I have already finished one of the videos intended for the month of November. Tomorrow will be a more productive day. Today will be a more productive day. (I am currently writing this at 01:20am, as I was working at the medical clinic until midnight).

However, there is one last thing I will mention. I recently got in touch with an old friend of mine, and we discussed National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo.

I am considering entering that, just to try and force myself to write whilst I do everything else. Maybe the fruits of that labour can be turned into something potentially profitable. After hiring a professional developmental and copywriting editor as well as having a professional cover designed, of course.

God, how I long to be rich.

Maybe we’ll get there eventually. In any case, we’re on this journey together.

Let’s get to it.