Week Five: Not Giving Up

Hello all,

Well, this week has been disappointing in all regards. But, let me not bitch and moan too much!


This is the first week in a little while where no new subscribers joined. My views have been trending up and down, but are still at a steady hundred or so a day. I’ve broken the 2500 view mark now, apparently.

My friend and I were discussing how we’re both disappointed at how things have been performing this last week. She’s losing motivation. I’m losing motivation because I like progress. But, whatever, I cannot will things to change.

But, I can ACT to change things that I’m doing. Or improve on a few things.

You all know I’m going to be focusing much more on Thumbnails now, and cut down my content production substantially. This is – hopefully – going to allow me to produce higher quality content. Plus, I really am curious about Thumbnails, as well as titles. I feel like learning how to make decent thumbnails and alluring titles is going to be damn tricky. But, what better time to give a whirl than the present.

And so, I present to you. The first thumbnail.

Now, this went through a few iterations. First, it was horizontally written, which meant that the text was too small for me to properly read it in thumbnail format. Then came the shadows, in attempt to make the text pop out a bit more. Then, I realised that the text didn’t have to be horizontal and that I’m a muppet.

Thus, this was born.

Is it good? Probably not. Is it good enough? Also probably not. But, it is clear everyone who sees that thumbnail will know exactly what my video will give them.

Maybe something will happen.

Videos in the last seven days: three. (Yeah, I know. I fixed my lack of content and then screwed it up again).

Total: 63 Videos (64 once this thumbnailed video is live)


I still haven’t decided on what to do regarding Etsy. But, it isn’t as if anything is changing concerning it!

This Website:

This website is going to have a few new posts and pages added to it soon. Speaking to my friend has really motivated me to get back into writing properly. Once I have a few things to share, I’ll do so. We’ll see how that all goes.


Nothing is changing for the better and I don’t think it ever will.

Kind regards,
